Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Fingers Crossed

This week I made a decision.
I am proud of myself, because decisions are normally hard for me to come by. 
Yes, I am that indecisive type. That one who is standing at the counter of the deli holding 
everyone else up because the classic roast beef sandwich and sour cream and onion chips sounds awesome but man does that bacon cheeseburger in the hot counter window make my mouth water!

 I made a decision. (Hold your applause)
It all started the other day while I was working. I had been toying with the idea of volunteering
in some capacity for a while. I didn't know where. I explored different options, came up with helping to
clean New York City and help the environment. Maybe do some soup kitchens, or midnight runs. 
Put some hours in at a daycare center for free and get to play with some kids, or even help
with rescue animals at a shelter. I nixed that idea really quickly because I knew I wouldn't be able to handle having to put any animals down or see any animals hurt... it would make me angry, like hulk angry!

As I was saying, I was at work and I began helping a woman who told me she had a special event coming up and she needed to look good for it, she was picking out some cardigans and wanted my opinion on a particular one... turned out it was a pea soup green and we voted a big NO on that! As the time went by she began to reveal a little more, that this special event was actually her and her husband appearing on the TODAY SHOW! She began telling me it was because their website had basically gone viral. She began telling me that her husband took picture of himself in a pink tutu, she started giggling and saying that it seemed ludicrous when she put it that way but that I needed to look at the website to understand. Telling me that it was a way to deal with her 9 year struggle with breast cancer and their way of bringing awareness to the cause. We chatted for a while longer and it hit me like a ton of bricks.I wanted to volunteer for a children's cancer hospital!  I wanted to help, to make a difference to people who usually don't seem to have much to brighten their spirits, I wanted to be the person to help make their lives easier to give them a little happiness. I decided that is just what I am gonna do! I put in two applications and once I hear word back I will tell you more but keep your fingers crossed for me, please!

As for now, here are some pictures off of The Tutu Project website.
The pictures are truly amazing and the cause is even more extraordinary! 
Lend them your support if you can, even if it is just keeping them in your prayers!

(all copyrights are reserved: The tutu project)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012


At work the other day I stumbled upon this gorgeous little number...

dress: BCBG

I was obsessed. Not only with the deep fern green color but it was just gorgeous and made me happy! But... alas it was about $300 and I have absolutely no where to wear it.
Grocery Shopping perhaps?!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Salmon and CousCous


I had the pleasure of devouring this little slice of heaven the other day at work.
It was cooked completely to perfection, I can't tell you the last time I was pleasantly surprised by a
dish this much. It also got me thinking about what exactly the recipe is and obviously
I couldn't turn down the opportunity to find out, so thats my next project.
I am going to recreate this at home and then I will share my findings with y'all! 

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hilarious Happenings!

This week I was just browsing through the web and stumbled upon this little gem 
that I just couldn't resist sharing with ya'll!

To some this may seem totally and completely lame but to hearts like mine this is pure bliss.
I laughed so hard when I saw this! Probably not as much as when I saw this one...

Not even ashamed at how hilarious I find potty humor...!
Don't try and say you didn't giggle.

Monday, May 14, 2012


I just needed a reminder that there is beauty, happiness, tenderness, kindness and good things
that make sense in this world...
So let the random photo spamming begin

(I own none of these photos... they all came off of

Sunday, May 13, 2012

There is beauty amongst it all

This past weekend was a mixture of things. The good and the bad, the happy and the sad.
It's amazing how perfectly that really describes what occurred. 
Lets start on a happy note... I got to spend the WHOLE weekend with one of my lovely
best friend's Cassie! I haven't had the chance to see this beauty
since we spent New Years Eve together. It was an amazing reunion and I was extremely
happy that we got to see one another. We drove up, ate some sandwiches, hit our usual hotspots
(aka marshalls haha), went to a graduation party and then, of course, I had to ruin it by going and getting sick. All in all it was a success and it was completely worth it just to spend some time with her.

Excuse my heinous faces in these pictures! 

Other than that lovely time something occurred this weekend that just really struck me. (For lack of a better word). My town was hit with a tragedy and we lost one of our own. A 21 year old man, who was the younger brother of someone I grew up with. His older sister and I were close when we were younger and I watched him grow up, watched how much he was loved by his family. It was sudden and totally unexpected. You hear about these things happening in other places but you never understand the true impact or what it really feels like until it happens around you. I can not claim to have known him as a human being or anything along those lines, but my heart hurt for his family. For their loss, for how much they are going to have to go through to come out on the other side. My brain simply couldn't fathom what they could possibly be thinking or feeling. I was at a loss for words and wished beyond anything that I could do something but I knew that I couldn't.
Through the terrible tragedy something did happen, I fell in love with my town and the people who reside here all over again. Sometimes I tend to take it for granted, but I truly could not have ever chosen a better place to grow up. The outpouring of support that was shown immediately following was amazing. This boy touched so many lives and even those who might not have known him personally went out to give their prayers and condolences. I am blessed to be surrounded by people of this magnitude. I do not wish what happened upon their family to anyone ever, no parent should have to bury their child but I do wish that if should such a tragedy befall you that you have the support and love
that was shown to them, it makes me speechless. 

Happy Mothers Day!

To YOU Dear Mama!

Thank you for these 22 years. For not only being my mom
but for being my best friend, my advocate, the extra push, or the shoulder
for me to cry on. You are the best woman I've ever known.
I love you so much!

Happy Mothers Day to all the lovely ladies out there!!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Working hard...

or Hardly Working....

yes that is a huge attractive run in my stocking... what of it?!

Don't judge me! I just needed to escape haha

Well folks, I am off to Rhode Island with my lovely lady friend Cassie!
Have a fantastic weekend!