Monday, June 18, 2012

Brain Tumor Walk

Photos from this past weekends Brain Tumor Walk.
My best friend Jackie put together the group of people for a friend of
hers from school who was diagnosed with a brain tumor last year.
Thankfully, she has undergone surgery and made a
full recovery. I was so grateful to be able to be part of the day for Jackie and Carolyn.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Just a Little Bit O' Life

Just pictures of some things I love...

and most importantly.... My puppybear!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Lots of Mini People

I don't know if y'all are aware but my mom is a teachers assistant for
the elementary school I went to that just so happens to be next door.
Naturally, since my mom decides that her family
can volunteer for anything she deems necessary
I was told that I was to take some pictures of Career Day!

A day where parents come in and talk to the various grades about different jobs.
I came into contact with some of the most adorable mini little people EVER!
Bask in their cuteness...

These are my favorite shots of the day! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Fireman's Dinner (picture heavy post)

The other weekend I had the chance of going to my friend
Chris's fireman's dinner for the fourth year running!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hilarious Happenings

My life has been pretty boring as of late.
I have been doing some summer cleaning, yeah, I am very aware I am a season late.
Better late than never... right?
Well, I was going through some of my books since I have no room for
them all and I stumbled upon some Chuck Norris joke
books that I got from a friend for a birthday a few summers ago.
They are so stupid but I find them stupidly hilarious!

"Chuck Norris can do push ups with both hands tied behind his back"

"Chuck Norris was the first person to tame a dinosaur"

"Chuck Norris was the first black president"

"Chuck Norris only has one hand... the upper hand"

"Chuck Norris's blood type is D.O.A"

"Chuck Norris won a staring contest against Medusa"

They are all so completely far fetched and random that they are hilarious.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Little Miss Lobeanie

I distinctly remember letting all you fine folks in on the most
awesome news, well EVER! Yes, that's right, I finally got to see Miss Elora!
I don't even know where to begin with this. 

Elora was my college roommate and from the moment we found each other 
on the cheerleading tryouts forum we just clicked. From our obsessions with Harry Potter
and Britney Spears, making weird horse noises through Newport, an insane
need to randomly dance, to laughing for all
hours for no reason at all. She is just the best people... 
I know everyone says this, but I am actually serious.
I could not have gotten roomed with a more amazing person, I thank
my lucky stars each and every day that I got the chance to meet this funny, smart
beautiful, and kind individual.

(Elora & I back in 2007)

Anyway, last week Elora got to come up and visit me for a bit. Mostly she was
here for work. She works for a book publisher in an editing capacity
and had to go to the book expo that they were holding at the Jacob Javits Center in NYC.
It is basically one big networking expo and you get a lot of free books.
She convinced me to go with her the first day and it was AWESOME!
I met so many cool people, laughed a lot (who knew the nerdy book types could be so humorous)
and got lots of free books. Made my little heart happy. 
Getting to spend time with her and being able to meet up with Caitlin and Cassie for dinner
a few nights later at Joanne Trattoria was absolutely amazing.
I could not have been blessed with better people in my life!

Sorry all my posts are so picture heavy!