Thursday, September 27, 2012

For Nothing?!!

Today was quite uneventful. 
For the most part it was exactly like every other day at work.
Leases, phone calls, phone calls, mailing lists and a mind numbing stack of rent rolls.
Nothing too troubling. I mean, lets be serious, this isn't brain surgery or anything. I am not saving
someones life by going to work. I sit at a desk and most of the time my mind spaces
out every 5 minutes... in surgery thats not such a great quality.

Anyway, thats not the point. The point is, today of all days, I was given 10 dollars. 
Yup, ten whole bucks for absolutely no reason at all. Well, no, thats not completely true.
The guy at work who gave me said ten dollars gave it to me believing
that I was deserving of it. That I somehow did half of some task that was assigned to him. 
Which, I might add, is news to me. Considering the fact that I distinctly remember
not moving from my desk today. Except to absolutely spoil myself with the most gratuitous, delicious,
juicy burger on the planet from Black Shack with some cajun fries (HEAVEN)!

Now, how I managed to hep him is still debatable. So, naturally,
(I say naturally way too often) I attempted to give it back to him.

At first I was pretty straight forward. I followed him around the office and attempted to give it to him
or somehow sneak it in his pocket till he would see reason. Didn't work. I even attempted to get sneaky and have others give it to him, strategically place it on the floor where he walks, or have him stumble upon money that he seemed to have left at his desk. All to no avail, he refused. Alright, I will admit, they were not very subtle ways to go about it. In fact looking back I guess they are kind of obvious,
but I mean I'm not a ninja here. I can't sneak in like I have an invisibility cloak on or something.
(Yes, Elora that comparison was for you.)

So... I gave up. At least for now. Perhaps if I wait a few days he will forget and just think he got lucky enough to stumble upon some bucks. I should just give it to someone else. Perhaps the cashiers at a Starbucks or something to pay for other customers stuff in line. Then again, they might take the cash for themselves. I could give it to a random child on the street. Though, that would 
probably look creepy and get me arrested. Maybe I can just drop it on the sidewalk, I know 
how lucky I feel when I find money randomly on the ground... or in my
pocket of my washed clothing.

Oh well, I will think of something. 

Things that Made my Day! ( Part I )

I am about to spam you with a lot of stupid, mostly baby, videos.
Some are older and you have probably seen them all
but it just can't be helped. They are too adorable and funny!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I seriously haven't posted in a while...
There have actually been some cool things that have happened.
I know that if you know me personally you realize I am basically a grandma at heart.
I enjoy my own company, sleeping as much as possible, paying for everything,
feeding as many people as possible for no reason at all and reading
ridiculous amounts of books. Including romance novels,
and I am not even remotely ashamed. Surprisingly enough, I actually did a few things this
summer that might just be worth mentioning in later posts.
Cool beans!

( Dex, my old baby-boy, looking so regal!) 

1) I went to a Yankee Game
 I know next to nothing about sports (less) but it was hilarious and so much fun. 

2) Got a big girl job

3) Saw Petey
Yes, I will explain at a later date who that is.

4) Went to Texas!!!!

5) Discovered my obscene amusement with bad jokes

6) My love of the show New Girl

7) Cassie's birthday!

8) More, more and more baking

9) Concerts with Jackie 

And other such shenanigans.
For me, I was a busy bee. Actually, it's kind of sad, but I am proud of myself. 

Start All Over....

Well, I have decided to do this again. 
I don't really know why I stopped in the first place, I believe
it was because my life seemed uninteresting and that it wouldn't appeal
to anyone. Thus, I let it go. Today I realized that I actually
enjoyed doing this and liked going back and looking at 
things that happened in the past. It was a nice little reminder of what had happened
and things that I should be thankful for.
So here it goes, I know no one probably reads this but screw it, this is
gonna be for me!

With all that said, if you do happen to read it, I really hope I don't bore you out of your gourd.
(For some reason gourd doesn't look like it's spelled correctly but 
when I checked it was... confusion because somewhere in the back of my mind a voice is
telling me that it is spelt wrong and the internet is full of it.)