Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hello Caveman!

Recently I had the pleasure of talking to a handsome, engaging manly man who told me that he eats "Paleo". We will call him Caveman for purposes of this story haha. My first impression was that Caveman must have misspelled something, I mean cause what could that possibly mean? Obviously, my brain wasn't functioning at said moment because I would realize the connection to words like "Paleolithic", right?! Then the lightbulb went off and I  saw it was my mistake. Even then I was still in the dark, so I did a bit of research. 

"The idea behind the Paleo Diet is to take your eating habits back to how our ancestors ate. Back in the hunter-gatherer days, there weren’t Cheetos, deep-dish frozen pizzas or Doritos available.
Instead, humans ate foods that came straight from the ground or straight from the animal.
As a result, they weren’t consuming high levels of saturated fat, sugar, simple carbs, and additives, but instead were enriching their diets with fiber, lean proteins and healthy fats. This combination is what enabled them to keep steady blood-sugar levels, control their hunger and prevent the accumulation of unwanted body fat.
Healthy fats and the few carbohydrates they consumed from fresh fruits and vegetables kept them going throughout the day while the amino acids from lean meat replenished their muscle tissues and helped them add more lean muscle mass.
Contrast this to the diets of today, which bring about rapid blood-sugar spikes that lead to a flood of insulin in the body (which just encourages energy lows and body-fat accumulation).
By shunning the foods that cause this chain of events and focusing on all-natural foods instead, you can really turn the tables around as far as your health and body composition is concerned."

After reading, I was intrigued so I decided to try out a recipe for myself. It was delicious!

Almond Crusted Cod

- 16 oz Cod Filets 
- 1 extra lrg. Egg
- 3 tbls. Almond milk
- 3/4 cup Almond meal
- 1 tsp. Garlic powder
- Salt & Pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 400 degree F and line your cookie sheet with tin foil. 

Mix egg and almond milk in bowl and set aside. Take almond meal, garlic powder, salt and pepper and mix in separate container. Drench Cod filets in egg mixture then coat with almond meal mix. Place on cookie sheet and bake for 15 to 20 mins. 

Now, I don't know if I personally have the will power to go onto a diet of this magnitude. My will power kind of sucks the big one when it comes to food. I am definitely going to incorporate more of the paleo recipes that I have been finding into my repertoire though! They have some awesome looking ones. So excited, Thanks you studly Caveman you :)

Happy Cooking! 

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