Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Totally not a serious one but an issue none the less.

(Ridiculous picture for a ridiculous post, seemed fitting)

I can't for the life of me figure out what to wear these days! I walk into my closet and my mind is like "Oh hellllz NO!" and just simply turns to mush, or just up and leaves. I can't decide which because at times it's as if there is a bit of rusty wheel functioning, other times it's like complete fembot break down.

So, as I was saying, I can't put myself together. I don't know why but I felt like I have looked like such a slob lately. It's definitely not that I don't have the clothing to put together nice things. I definitely have the clothing, far too much of it to be completely honest. I just tend to not be able to figure out what it is I have at the time. I work for a clothing store, I put together outfits for clients for HOURS every single day. How is it that when it comes to myself I am like a broke down honda just not able to make it through the last toll? Is it that I am missing some style gene or something? Did I just miss the class on how to dress yourself in High School?

Then there are those days where I am totally into what I am wearing, I walk out of my closet feeling all super sweet. Thinking, Man I totally look awesome, everyone is gonna be so jealous! Watch me work! Only to walk into work or wherever it happens to be, where someone totally cool walks by and immediately the little voice in my head changes its tune.  Really? Grey stockings with THOSE shoes Sydney! How could you even do that! Did you see her dress, now THAT is style. Psh! Thanks, little style guru, you have failed.

When I was younger I got dressed all the time, always put together cute outfits. Okay, maybe they weren't always SO cute but Hey! At least I tried. I have gotten far too lazy and that has GOT to end. I need to toss caution to the wind, throw on those crazy heels that make me taller than half the population (did I mention I have a Napoleon complex?), get creative and strut!

Okay, end rant!
Hope everyone is enjoying this absolutely FANTASTIC weather!
Get outside and bask for me too since I am stuck indoors.


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