Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cakes Galore!

My mama is one talented little lady!
She used to decorate and design cakes professionally, kind of like the cake boss
except better :) Admittedly, I may be a bit biased. I swear it's true though!

(Isn't that just utterly ridiculous! Sorry I couldn't resist)

(Made completely of chocolate!)

(I had the best birthday cakes!)

I have one talented mama y'all! Jealous?! 
And why Yes, That is an edible replica of the Emerald city!
Now how is it fair that I didn't get even a pinky's worth of her artistic talent!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Syd! Facebook stalked you a little to see what you were up to these days & found your blog! Love seeing these pictures again. Your mama is one talented lady!

    -Katie (Beary)
